National Women’s Health Week


National Women’s Health Week is celebrated each year, beginning on Mother’s Day, to encourage women and girls to make their health a priority. The theme for this year is, “Women’s Health, Whole Health: Prevention, Care and Wellbeing.” The everchanging healthcare landscape brings women new ways to be healthy and detect disease early, but what about those [...]

National Women’s Health Week2024-04-30T15:41:57+00:00

Stress and Anxiety Affects on Our Health


Stress and Anxiety Affects on Our Health Stress and anxiety have become a ubiquitous part of life for many people. Whether it's due to work, relationships, financial concerns, or other factors, stress can take a toll on both our mental and physical well-being. April is National Stress Awareness Month, it's essential to recognize the [...]

Stress and Anxiety Affects on Our Health2024-03-25T21:33:50+00:00

Heart Disease Prevention Starts with a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle 


Heart Disease Prevention Starts with a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle  Heart disease remains a leading cause of death, emphasizing the urgent need for preventive measures. Fortunately, many risk factors for heart disease can be mitigated through lifestyle changes. February is American Heart Month.   You can act to protect yourself against heart disease. Small heart-healthy actions like [...]

Heart Disease Prevention Starts with a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle 2024-03-25T21:21:54+00:00

Food Poisoning During the Holidays


Food poisoning during the holidays is the last thing from most of our minds. Be it a Thanksgiving turkey, a Christmas ham, or a New Year's Eve banquet, food assumes a central role in our holiday merriments. However, it is also a season when the likelihood of food poisoning is heightened due to the increased [...]

Food Poisoning During the Holidays2024-03-25T21:22:19+00:00

Navigating Flu Season


Navigating Flu Season Flu season is upon us, and it's essential when navigating flu season to be well-informed about the symptoms, prevention methods, and vaccination options to protect yourself and your loved ones. Together, we’ll explore the significance of flu season, common flu symptoms, and the importance of getting vaccinated. Additionally, we will [...]

Navigating Flu Season2024-03-25T21:22:31+00:00

Stop Menopause Brain Fog and Fatigue


Stop Menopause Brain Fog and Fatigue As women age and embrace the changes of hormones that happen with menopause, fatigue and brain fog set in. It can be debilitating for many women. The cognitive decline, memory lapses, and lack of mental clarity associated with brain fog can significantly impact daily life and overall well-being. Addressing [...]

Stop Menopause Brain Fog and Fatigue2024-03-25T21:23:29+00:00

National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month


National Migraine and Headache Awareness MonthJune is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which is a great time to learn more about the common symptoms and causes of migraine. From hormonal changes to migraine with aura, understanding the signs of a migraine can help you better manage your condition. With that in mind, let's take [...]

National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month2024-03-25T21:29:11+00:00

Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis?


STOMACH FLU OR GASTROENTERITIS? Stomach flu or Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. Not to be confused with food poisoning, the main symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. It is usually not serious in healthy people, but it can sometimes lead to dehydration or cause more severe symptoms. According [...]

Stomach Flu or Gastroenteritis?2023-03-31T15:18:29+00:00

Male Hormonal Imbalance and Low T


Male Hormonal Imbalance and Low T The hormone testosterone is commonly thought of as the fuel for male sexual drive. When you hear "low testosterone," the first thing that may spring to mind is decreased sexual desire or physical performance issues. However, testosterone's job in the body is more complex [...]

Male Hormonal Imbalance and Low T2023-05-04T15:38:59+00:00
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